The New Paradome


Hi and welcome to the New Paradome!

Meet us here to practice various forms of psychic and physical Integration and Activation. We can balance our Being and our Doing in this new season of Life by aligning with and surrendering to a natural rhythm of ebb and flow.  

A portion of revenue from The New Paradome is donated monthly to these organizations who are dedicated to protecting and supporting human rights and the environment, and reporting without corporate sponsorship:


The New Paradome is a geodesic dome in the hills of Topanga Canyon.  Begun as a community gathering space, the COVID-19 pandemic inspired the transition to a broadcast station for online offerings. These online classes were recorded 2020-2021, and are available in the shop. As of 9/2022, The New Paradome is open again to members for in-person events, seen in the calendar.  The dome is part of The New Paradome Farm, a 1/2 acre permaculture farm.